The authority accompanying a badge coincides with the fear of encountering a criminal.
In environments where economic permanence is nonadjacent, perceived stability does not mitigate the stark reality of struggling to survive. Three weeks into a rushed relocation tipped the point for Emeka, the protagonist featured in Heaven’s Gate1.
Challenged by the responsibilities of being the eldest son and tired of watching his widowed mother toil, he pursues fortune where rumored. With limited education and no resources, he accepts the ‘backing’ from the equivalent of a sovereign state venture capitalist to begin a black-market transportation service.
Under the tutelage of a more experienced transporter, Emeka learns the necessity of bribing below-board local policemen. After dropping his traffic-related inhibitions, he finds a gentrified love interest and quickly realizes financial success.
An abundance of newer migrants creates competition and forces him to work the more lucrative midnight shift. The opportunity to transport one passenger to an upscale neighborhood proves that safety is subjective, especially in the company of public servants.
An elegant turn of gaze, this tale is prophetic and cautionary. Set in Africa’s most populous city, the title is the first of many allusions to pursuing a better life. Plump with gritty details to convey life in the shadows, this sensory feast is a travelogue of the dysfunction associated with migrating to survive.
Written by Chika Unigwe, a native Nigerian previously lauded as having the talent and potential to define future trends in African Literature, this story analyzes unchecked power and its ability to lend to government-sanctioned criminal activities.
Lovers of international crime thrillers will appreciate this read and the author's graphic depiction of an urban non-Western setting. Conversely, civil servants may take offense to references to fraternal orders as glorified gangs. Either way, this account provides unsettling insight into compulsive relationships and proves that adulting has never been a task for the meek or mild.
Rating: 5+ stars
Additional shorts featuring men behaving poorly:
The Lemon Orchard, by Alex La Guma
The Forgotten Children, by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
Part of the Lagos Noir anthology.
Sounds like a very interesting short story and look into Lagos' underbelly. Chika Unigwe appears to be a writer definitely worth exploring. Have you read any of her novels?