Dear C.— I haven’t been reading on substack much for quite a while now. But I saw your name on Notes, and recalled a few pleasant exchanges we’ve had on here, and thought— I need to take a minute and see what C. Elyse is up to.

And I’ll just add this— your prose immediately arrests— you’ve got quite a trick going here, as you’re actually able to craft a sentence that gets my attention apart from what you’re actually saying. Please keep up the good work— I regret it took me so long to notice. I’ve been squandering my substack time noticing and noticing too many writers who do not grab me, and you now go onto my list of writers to pay more attention to. With any luck, I’ll manage to learn— or steal— something!

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Hello! How are you? And what are you up to? I’m almost through your first batch of up to x-word stories, and I’ve been wondering when you’re going to send out a fresh batch.

Thank you, and know that because you’re a wordsmith, your attention to my words matters more than I can express, and thank you more for the encouragement! You’re the best 🤗

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I have a writing teacher friend who’s been encouraging me to finish the fiction I’ve been working on and pitch to agents and lit mags. Also, I’ve been working on a music book forever, and I’ve been doing a proposal for that. (I posted an excerpt, some discussion on Ellington saxophonist Ben Webster. ) So I’m on deadline, cranking all that out for the last month so I’ll have it done for the weekend conference I’m going to in a few days, meeting some agents and doing some shmoozing.

I’m very pleased to hear you’ve been reading the stories! I’ve found— unfortunately— that these survey posts are taking me forever, esp as the stories get longer. Between that and the non-substack writing I’m doing, I haven’t kept up my posting schedule.

After the conference, I’ll try to figure out a plan where I can get back to posting regularly. I’ll probably need to do some less labor-intensive ones between the short story ones.

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I've always been a W.E.B. DuBois fan. He was ahead of his time.

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He was eons ahead of his time! Thanks for reading and hope you are well.

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Feb 26Liked by C. Elyse

Thank you for teaching me the concept of talented tenth, and that W.E.B. Du Bois finished his life in Ghana. Enriching as always.

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I am glad that you feel enriched, thank you for reading (and he sure lived a full and fulfilled life, bravely).

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I admire Du Bois. Black history, culture, sociology and philosophy weren't taken seriously by the America of his time, so he made it his mission to see that they were. Many marvelous books and articles resulted.

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Yes, he did and he did it without an ounce of fear or intimidation. Thanks for reading!

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A wonderful list of resources, thank you!

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You’re welcome, happy Monday (optimism on steroids)!

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Thank you for your sensitivity to a challenging topic for some. I appreciate you.

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Hey Senetta, I appreciate you more! Happy day today!

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